Adjust the guide bicycle saddle: height and inclination perfectly tailored to you
In diesem umfassenden How-To-Ratgeber zeige ich dir Schritt für Schritt, wie du deinen Fahrradsattel richtig einstellst. Mit Videoanleitung und Bildern zum Veranschaulichen!
Wie stelle ich meinen Fahrradsattel richtig ein? Das werde ich von unseren Kunden bei HiLo sports Fahrradzubehör – und auch im Freundeskreis immer wieder gefragt. Im Radsport eine sehr berechtigte Frage! Denn auf den Straßen und sogar bei professionellen Radfahrern fällt mir immer wieder auf, dass die meisten Fahrradfahrer die falsche Sitzhöhe und/oder falsche Sitzposition haben.
Nicht nur, dass ein falsch eingestellter Sattel den Fahrspaß extrem mindert, sondern er kann auf Dauer auch gravierende gesundheitliche Probleme verursachen – zum Beispiel Knie- und Rückenschmerzen.
Doch damit ist jetzt Schluss! Als begeisterter Radsportler habe ich über die Jahre viele Erfahrung gesammelt und zahlreiche Tipps und Tricks zur optimalen Sattelpositionierung erlernt. Diese Erfahrungen möchte ich mit dir teilen, um dir dabei zu helfen, das Beste aus deiner Sitzposition auf dem Fahrrad herauszuholen.
👉🏻 Schau dir hierzu auch gerne unser Video an, in dem dir Sebastian Schritt für Schritt erklärt, wie du deinen Fahrradsattel optimal einstellst
Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitung
In diesem Blogartikel zeige dir ausführlich, wie du u.a. deine optimale Sattelhöhe berechnest (mit Fahrradsattel Formel), veranschauliche dir die Fersenmethode und gebe praktische Tipps zur Anpassung der richtigen Sattelneigung. Zum Abschluss findest du meine zusammenfassende 7 Tipps.
✅ Am besten führst du die einzelnen Schritte gleich an deinem eigenen Fahrrad durch, damit du am Ende deiner Lektüre deine perfekte Sattelhöhe und -neigung eingestellt hast – und gleich losradeln kannst
Autor, Sebastian von HiLo sports
Meine Passion fürs Fahrradfahren erkannte ich bereits als Jugendlicher – damals v.a. fürs Mountainbiken. Mit der Gründung von HiLo sports habe ich mein Hobby zum Beruf gemacht. Was ich am meisten liebe? Technik und Funktionen von Produkten in Action zu testen und neues Fahrradzubehör zu entwickeln.
Warum es so wichtig ist, den Fahrradsattel richtig einzustellen
Bevor ich mit der detaillierten Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitung beginne, möchte ich nochmal hervorheben, warum es so wichtig ist, den Fahrradsattel optimal einzustellen. Wie ich eingangs bereits erklärt habe, mir fällt sehr häufig auf, dass die meisten Fahrradfahrer ihren Sattel falsch eingestellt haben. Vor allem bei Menschen, die viel mit dem Fahrrad unterwegs sind, macht eine falsche Satteleinstellung langfristig den Körper kaputt.
Stell dir einen Marathonläufer in Tanzschuhen vor
Lass mich das an einem Beispiel veranschaulichen. Du kannst es mit einem Marathonläufer vergleichen, der während der gesamten Strecke von 42,195 Kilometer in Tanzschuhen läuft. Klingt nicht gesund, oder? Genau das gleiche passiert beim Radfahren, wenn deine Sattelhöhe und/oder Sattelneigung falsch sind/ist. Diese falsche Position auf dem Fahrradsattel ist langfristig extrem schädigend für deine Gelenke, deinen Rücken – und zudem wird deine Muskulatur beim Radfahren nicht richtig belastet, was zu weiteren gesundheitlichen Beschwerden führen kann.
👉🏻 Achte übrigens auch darauf, dass du einen ergonomisch gutsitzenden Fahrradrucksack mit auf deine Touren nimmst. Hierfür kann ich dir unseren Bestseller Fahrrad Rolltop Rucksack wasserdicht ans Herz legen.
❗️ Daher mein Appell an all Hobby- und Profi-Radfahrer: Bitte nimm dir die Zeit für die einzelnen Schritte, um deinen Fahrradsattel optimal auf deine Bedürfnisse einzustellen! Übrigens, mindestens genauso wichtig ist die ausreichende Flüssigkeitszufuhr. Hier findest meinen ausführlichen Vergleich Fahrrad Trinkflasche.
Das Einstellen deines Fahrradsattels ist eine der grundlegendsten und zugleich wichtigsten Anpassungen, die du an deinem Fahrrad vornehmen kannst. Egal, ob du ein leidenschaftlicher Rennradfahrer oder ein Hobby-Radfahrer bist, die richtige Sattelhöhe und -neigung sind entscheidend für deinen Komfort uns deine Leistung.
Prinzipiell stellst du beim Rennrad, Mountainbike, Trekkingrad und beim Ergometer den Fahrradsattel immer gleich ein. Denn was sich bei den Beinen abspielt, ist immer dasselbe. Die Sitzposition hingegen kann je nach Fahrstil etwas variieren. Dazu findest du unten weitere ausführliche Infos.
Fahrradsattel einstellen Werkzeug und zusätzliche Hilfsmittel
Um deine Sattelhöhe und Sattelneigung richtig einzustellen, benötigst du in der Regel folgendes Werkzeug:
Innensechskantschlüssel (Inbusschlüssel): Diesen benötigst du für die meisten modernen Fahrräder. Die Größe variiert je nach Modell und Schraubenart.
Schraubenschlüssel oder Torx-Schlüssel: Je nach Schraubentyp an deinem Sattelgestell oder der Sattelstützenklemme.
ℹ️ Zur Info: Falls bei deinem Fahrrad ein Schnellspanner an der Sattelstützenklemme vorhanden ist benötigst du zum Einstellen deines Sattels kein zusätzliches Werkzeug. Das vereinfacht die Anpassung erheblich.
Zusätzliche Hilfsmittel
Neben den Grundwerkzeugen sind einige weitere Hilfsmittel praktisch, um eine präzise Einstellung zu gewährleisten:
Wasserwaage: Um die Sattelneigung exakt auszurichten.
Pendel (alternativ Garn oder dünner Schnürsenkel mit Bleigewicht): Zur Überprüfung der horizontalen Sattelposition.
Buch und Zollstock/Maßband: Für die Berechnung der optimalen Sattelhöhe.
Rollentrainer für die Einstellung
Falls du einen Rollentrainer zu Hause hast, erleichtert dies die Einstellung des Sattels erheblich. Aber es geht natürlich auch ohne! Mit einem Rollentrainer kannst du das Fahrrad fixieren – ohne dass du dich oder das Fahrrad irgendwo anlehnen musst. Das erleichtert die präzise Messung und Anpassung deiner Sattelhöhe und Sattelneigung.
👍🏻 Meine persönlichen Tipps:
1. Wenn du einen Rollentrainer verwendest, lege vorne unter deinem Fahrradreifen etwas drunter, um das Fahrrad parallel zum Boden auszurichten. Ein kleines Brettchen genügt, um die Höhenunterschiede zwischen Vorder- und Hinterrad auszugleichen.
2. Am besten ziehst du dir die Kleidung und Schuhe an, die du auch beim Fahrradfahren trägst. Somit kannst du deine Satteleinstellung unter realistischen Bedingungen vornehmen und noch genauer justieren.
Die richtige Sattelhöhe ist entscheidend für eine ergonomische Sitzposition und einen effizienten Tritt. Es gibt zwei erprobte Möglichkeiten, wie du die Höhe deines Fahrradsattels einstellen kannst. Du kannst die passende Höhe des Sattels mit einer Formel berechnen oder die Fersenmethode anwenden.
Wenn du das Satteleinstellen richtig machen möchtest, dann empfehle ich dir die Berechnung mit der Formel. Diese ist im Vergleich zur Fersenmethode etwas zeitaufwändiger, dafür aber genauer. Meine Erfahrungen zeigen jedoch, dass in der Praxis beide Methoden zum Einstellen der Sattelhöhe gut funktionieren.
Fahrradsattel einstellen Formel zum Berechnen
Es gibt eine praktische Formel zum Einstellen des Sattels. Diese lautet:
Abstand Mitte Tretlager bis Oberkante Sattel = Schrittlänge x 0,885
Im Folgenden zeige ich dir Schritt für Schritt, wie du die Formel zum Fahrradsattel Einstellen praktisch umsetzt.
Stelle dich mit deinem Rücken gerade an eine Wand. Ich empfehle dir eine leicht breitbeinige Stehposition. Deine Beine sollte ca. 20 Zentimeter auseinanderstehen.
Mit dem Buch (siehe Bild) fährst du dann zu deinem Schritt hoch, bis es ansteht.
Miss dann mit einem Zollstock oder Maßband die Länge vom Boden bis zur höchsten Stelle des Buchs.
Diesen Wert in Zentimeter multiplizierst du mit dem Wert 0,885.
Das Ergebnis ist dann deine optimale Sattelhöhe – also von der Tretlagermitte bis zur Oberkante des Sattels.
👍🏻 Mein persönlicher Tipp
Um deinen Sattel auf deine richtige Höhe einzustellen, löst du zuerst die Sattelstützenklemme, misst deinen Wert ab und stellst deinen Sattel auf diese Höhe ein. Zum Schluss ziehst du die Sattelstützenklemme wieder fest an.
Fahrradsattel einstellen – die Fersenmethode
Die Fersenmethode ist eine einfache und praktische Möglichkeit, die Sattelhöhe deines Fahrrads einzustellen. Sie eignet sich besonders gut, wenn du keine Lust auf komplexe Berechnungen hast – und schnell eine angenehme Sitzposition finden möchtest. Im Folgende zeige ich dir Schritt für Schritt, wie du diese Methode anwendest.
Anleitung zur Fersenmethode
1. Aufsitzen und Positionieren: Setze dich auf dein Fahrrad und stelle die Fersen auf die Pedalmitte. Bei der optimalen Sattelhöhe sollte dein Bein – bei Kurbelstellung in Verlängerung des Sitzrohres – angenehm gestreckt sei
2. Pedalposition prüfen: Drehe die Pedale so, dass ein Pedal in der untersten Position steht. Dein Bein sollte in dieser Position fast vollständig gestreckt sein. Achtung: Es ist wichtig, dass dein Bein angenehm gestreckt, aber nicht komplett durchgestreckt oder überstreckt ist. Deine Hüfte sollte stabil und waagerecht auf dem Sattel bleiben, ohne sich zu bewegen.
3. Sattelhöhe anpassen: Wenn dein Bein zu stark durchgestreckt ist, ist der Sattel zu hoch. In diesem Fall senke den Sattel ein wenig ab. Ist dein Bein hingegen noch stark abgewinkelt, musst du den Sattel etwas höherstellen. Justiere die Höhe in kleinen Schritten, bis du die optimale Position gefunden hast.
4. Probefahrt machen: Nach der Anpassung der Sattelhöhe solltest du eine kurze Probefahrt machen. Achte darauf, wie sich dein Bein beim Treten anfühlt. Bei der richtigen Einstellung wirst du merken, dass du dich beim Treten wohlfühlst und keine unnötigen Spannungen in den Muskeln hast.
Die richtige Sattelneigung ist entscheidend, um Druckstellen und Taubheitsgefühle im Dammbereich zu vermeiden und gleichzeitig eine ergonomische Sitzposition zu gewährleisten. Eine optimal eingestellte Sattelneigung sorgt für mehr Komfort und Effizienz beim Fahren, indem sie die Belastung gleichmäßig verteilt.
Für die richtige Einstellung der Sattelneigung führst du folgende Schritte durch:
Löse die Sattelklemmung an der Sattelstütze, bis die Sattelneigung verstellt werden kann.
Lege eine Wasserwaage auf den Sattel.
Verändere den Winkel des Sattels, bis er komplett waagerecht, also im Wasser, ist.
Ziehe die Sattelklemmung wieder fest an.
Optional: Zur Entlastung des Dammbereichs die Sattelspitze etwas absenken.
👍🏻 Mein persönlicher Tipp
Nimm dir Zeit, um deine richtige Sattelposition zu finden und einzustellen. Zur Orientierung: Wenn der Sattel eher weiter vorne ist, ist er optimal für aufrechte Positionen. Weiter hinten fährst du gestreckter. Wie die Sattelposition für dich optimal ist, kannst du mit der Pendelmethode herausfinden.
Sattelneigung einstellen – die Pendelmethode
Die Pendelmethode ist eine bewährte Technik, um die horizontale Sattelposition genau einzustellen und somit den optimalen Komfort und die Effizienz beim Fahren zu gewährleisten. Hier zeige ich dir, wie du diese Methode Schritt für Schritt anwendest.
Anleitung zur Pendelmethode
1. Aufsitzen und Kurbel waagerecht stellen:
Setze dich auf dein Fahrrad und positioniere die Kurbel so, dass sie waagerecht ist und der Kurbelarm nach vorne zeigt.
Die Kurbel als Ganzes sollte in einer waagerechten Linie stehen.
Wenn du Klickpedale hast, führe die Methode im eingeklickten Zustand durch. Bei normalen Pedalen platziere die Mitte der Pedalachse auf deinem Fußballen.
2. Pendel verwenden:
Halte ein Pendel (z.B. einen Schnürsenkel mit einem kleinen Gewicht) am Schienbeinköpfchen an.
Achte darauf, dass der Pendelfaden durch die Mitte der Pedalachse geht.
3. Sattelposition anpassen:
Ist das Pendel zu weit vorne, muss der Sattel nach hinten verschoben werden.
Befindet sich das Pendel hinter der Pedalachse, muss der Sattel weiter nach vorne.
Justiere die Position des Sattels in kleinen Schritten und überprüfe die Pendelposition erneut.
👍🏻 Mein persönlicher Tipp
Wenn der Spielraum für die Anpassung des Sattels nach vorne oder hinten nicht ausreicht, kann eine gerade oder gekröpfte Sattelstütze Abhilfe schaffen. Diese Sattelstützen bieten zusätzliche Verstellmöglichkeiten und können helfen, die perfekte Sitzposition zu erreichen. Achte darauf, die Sattelklemmung immer gut zu befestigen, um unerwünschte Bewegungen des Sattels während der Fahrt zu vermeiden.
Tipp 1: Stelle die Sattelhöhe korrekt ein, um Knie- und Rückenschmerzen zu vermeiden und den Fahrkomfort zu erhöhen. Verwende hierfür entweder die Berechnungsmethode oder die Fersenmethode.
Tipp 2: Die Berechnungsmethode: Miss deine Schrittlänge in Zentimeter und multipliziere sie mit 0,885, um die optimale Sattelhöhe zu ermitteln.
Tipp 3: Die Fersenmethode: Setze dich auf das Fahrrad und platziere deine Fersen auf den Pedalen. Dein Bein sollte in der untersten Pedalposition fast gestreckt sein.
Tipp 4: Die Sattelneigung: Verwende eine Wasserwaage, um den Sattel waagerecht einzustellen. Optional kannst du die Sattelspitze leicht nach unten neigen, um den Dammbereich zu entlasten.
Tipp 5: Die horizontale Sattelposition: Mit der Pendelmethode findest du die optimale Position, indem du ein Pendel am Schienbeinköpfchen hältst und die Position des Sattels anpasst, bis das Pendel durch die Pedalachse geht.
Tipp 6: Im Idealfall verwendest du einen Rollentrainer, um das Fahrrad zu fixieren und die Einstellungen präzise vorzunehmen. Es geht aber natürlich auch ohne! Wenn du einen Rollentrainer verwendest, achte darauf, das Fahrrad parallel zum Boden auszurichten.
Tipp 7: Trage die Kleidung, die du beim Radfahren nutzt, um die Einstellungen unter realistischen Bedingungen vorzunehmen und eine optimale Sitzposition zu erreichen.
Fahrradsattel einstellen – Fazit
Du siehst, das Thema „Fahrradsattel richtig einstellen“ liegt mir sehr am Herzen. Denn ein optimal eingestellter Sattel ist besonders wichtig für deinen Fahrkomfort und insbesondere für deine Gesundheit.
Eine falsche Sattelposition kann langfristig zu Knie- und Rückenschmerzen sowie zu anderen gesundheitlichen Beschwerden führen. Daher ist es wichtig, die Sattelhöhe und -neigung genau zu justieren. Nimm dir die Zeit für diese Anpassungen und trage deine normale Radfahrkleidung, um unter realistischen Bedingungen zu arbeiten. So kannst du zukünftig jede Fahrradfahrt schmerzfrei und in vollen Zügen genießen.
Hallo, wir sind Rebekka und Sebastian. Die Passion fürs Fahrradfahren wurde uns bereits in die Wiege gelegt. Egal, ob entspannte Touren mit dem E-Bike oder abenteuerliche Ausflüge auf dem Mountainbike – wir versuchen jeden freien Moment auf dem Fahrradsattel zu verbringen. Außerdem lieben wir es, Technik und Funktionen zu testen und neue Produkte zu entwickeln. Mit unserem Online-Shop HiLo sports Fahrradzubehör haben wir unser Hobby zum Beruf gemacht.
Du möchtes mehr Fahrrad-Wissen von passionierten Experten? Dann schau in unserem Blog vorbei!
Fahrradpumpen Ratgeber
Du willst alles zum Thema Fahrradpumpen erfahren, dann bist du hier genau richtig!
In this comprehensive how-to-guide, I will show you step by step how to set your bike saddle correctly. With video instructions and pictures to illustrate!
In this comprehensive how-to-guide, I will show you step by step how to set your bike saddle correctly. With video instructions and pictures to illustrate! How do I set my bike saddle correctly? I am always asked that from our customers at Hilo Sports bicycle accessories - and also in the Freundeskreis. A very justified question in cycling! Because on the streets and even with professional cyclists I notice that most cyclists have the wrong seat height and/or false seating position. Not only does an incorrectly set saddle reduce driving fun, but it can also cause serious health problems in the long run- for example, knee and back pain. But that's the end! As an enthusiastic cyclist, I have gained a lot of experience over the years and learned numerous tips and tricks for optimal saddle positioning. I would like to share these experiences with you to help you get the best out of your seating position on the bike. 👉🏻 Take a look at our video, in which Sebastian explains to you step by step how you optimally set your bicycle saddle step-by-step instructions in this blog article will show you in detail how to calculate your optimal saddle height (with a bicycle saddle formula), illustrate the heel method and give you practical tips for adapting the correct saddle tendency. Finally, you will find my summary 7 tips.✅ It is best to carry out the individual steps on your own bike so that you have set your perfect saddle height and tendency at the end of your reading -and can immediately cycle off Author, Sebastian from Hilo Sports, I already recognized my passion for cycling as a teenager -back then -back then especially for mountain biking. With the founding of Hilo Sports, I turned my hobby into a profession. What do I love most? Testing the technology and functions of products in action and developing new bicycle accessories. Table of contents ▶ ️ Why it is so important to set the bike saddle correctly ▶ ️ Set bicycle saddle. Setting the tool and additional aids ▶ ️ Step-by-step instructions: Set the saddle height ▶ ️ Step-by-step instructions: Settle tendency ▶ ️ Summary of my 7 tips why it is so important, Adjusting the bicycle saddle correctly before I start with the detailed step-by-step instructions, I would like to emphasize why it is so important to optimally set the bicycle saddle. As I have already explained at the beginning, I very often notice that most cyclists have incorrectly set their saddle. Especially in people who travel a lot by bike, an incorrect saddle setting breaks the body in the long term. Imagine a marathon runner in dance shoes in front of me, let me illustrate it using an example. You can compare it to a marathon runner that runs into dance shoes throughout the entire route of 42.195 kilometers. Doesn't sound healthy, right? Exactly the same happens when cycling if your saddle height and/or saddle tendency are/is wrong. This wrong position on the bicycle saddle is extremely damaging to your joints, your back in the long term - and in addition, your muscles are not properly stressed when cycling, which can lead to further health complaints. 👉🏻 Incidentally, also make sure that you take an ergonomically good bicycle backpack on your tours. For this I can recommend our bestseller bicycle rolltop backpack waterproof.❗️ therefore my appeal to all hobby and professional cyclists: Please take the time for the individual steps to optimally adjust your bike saddle to your needs! Incidentally, the sufficient fluid intake is at least as important. Here you will find my detailed comparison bike drinking bottle. ℹ️ Info The adjustment of your bicycle saddle is one of the most basic and most important adjustments that you can make on your bike. Regardless of whether you are a passionate racing cyclist or a hobby cyclist, the right saddle height and tendency are crucial for your comfort. In principle, you always set the bicycle saddle at the racing bike, mountain bike, trekking bike and the ergometer. Because what happens to the legs is always the same. The seating position, on the other hand, can vary a little depending on the driving style. You can find more detailed information below. Our high -quality drinking bottles of bicycle saddle set tools and additional aids to correctly adjust your saddle height and saddle tendency, you usually need the following tool: Interior switch wrench (Allen key): You need this for most modern bicycles. The size varies depending on the model and screw type. Cocker key or Torx key: depending on the screw type on your saddle frame or the saddle support clamp. For information: If there is a quick tensioner on the seat post clamp on your bike, you do not need any additional tool to set your saddle. This significantly simplifies the adjustment. Additional aids In addition to the basic tools, a few other aids are practical to ensure a precise setting: water scale: to align the saddle tendency exactly. the calculation of the optimal saddle height. Role trainer for setting If you have a roller coach at home, this makes it considerably easier to set the saddle. But of course it can also be done without! You can fix the bike with a roller trainer - without you having to lean on somewhere. This facilitates precise measurement and adaptation of your saddle height and saddle tendency. 👍🏻 My personal tips: 1. If you use a roller trainer, put a little underneath your bicycle tire to align the bike parallel to the floor. A small board is enough to compensate for the height differences between the front and rear wheel. 2. The best thing to do is to put on the clothes and shoes that you also wear while cycling. So you can make your saddle setting under realistic conditions and adjust it more precisely. Discover our Hilo Sports bicycle backpacks step-by-step instructions: Set the saddle height The correct saddle height is crucial for an ergonomic seating position and an efficient step. There are two tried and tested options for how you can set the height of your bicycle saddle. You can calculate the appropriate height of the saddle with a formula or apply the heel method. If you want to do the saddle setting correctly, I recommend the calculation with the formula. This is a little more time -consuming compared to the heel method, but more precisely. However, my experiences show that in practice both methods work well to set the saddle height. Set bicycle saddle formula for calculating there is a practical formula for adjusting the saddle. This is: distance center bottom bracket to the top edge saddle = step length x 0.885im following I show you step by step how you can use the formula to set the bike saddle in a practical way. I recommend a slightly wide -legged standing position. Your legs should be approx. 20 centimeters apart. With the book (see picture) you then go up to your crotch until it is due. Miss the length from the floor to the highest point of the book. This value value in centimeter Multiply with the value 0.885. The result is your optimal saddle height - i.e. from the middle of the bottom bracket to the top edge of the saddle. 👍🏻 My personal tip To adjust your saddle to your correct height, you first resolve the seat post clamp, measure your value and set your saddle to this height. Finally, you tighten the seat support clamp tightly. Set bicycle saddle - the heel method The heel method is a simple and practical way to set the saddle height of your bike. It is particularly suitable if you don't feel like complex calculations - and want to quickly find a pleasant seating position. In the following I show you step by step how to use this method. Instructions for the heel method 1. Sitting and positioning: sit on your bike and place your heels on the middle of the pedal. With the optimal saddle height, your leg should be pleasantly stretched - when the seat tube is extended - 2. Check pedal position: Turn the pedals so that a pedal is in the lowest position. Your leg should be almost completely stretched in this position. Attention: It is important that your leg is pleasantly stretched, but not completely stretched out or stretched out. Your hip should stay stable and horizontal on the saddle without moving. 3. Adjust the saddle height: If your leg is stretched too much, the saddle is too high. In this case, lower the saddle a little. On the other hand, if your leg is still very angled, you have to put the saddle a little higher. Adjust the height in small steps until you have found the optimal position. 4. Make a test drive: After adapting the saddle height, you should take a short test drive. Pay attention to how your leg feels when kicking. With the right setting, you will notice that you feel comfortable when kicking and have no unnecessary tensions in the muscles. Step-by-step instructions: Setting saddling tendency The correct saddle tendency is crucial to avoid pressure points and deaf feelings in the dam area and at the same time ensure an ergonomic seating position. An optimally set saddle tendency ensures more comfort and efficiency when driving by distributing the load evenly. For the correct setting of the saddle tendency, you carry out the following steps: solve the saddle clamp on the seat post until the saddle tendency can be adjusted. the saddle. Modify the angle of the saddle until it is completely horizontal, i.e. in the water, is again firmly on the saddle clamp. 👍🏻 My personal tip take your time to find and set your right saddle position. For orientation: If the saddle is more forward, it is optimal for upright positions. You drive further behind. You can find out how the saddle position is optimal for you with the pendulum method. Set saddle tendency - the pendulum method The pendulum method is a proven technology to precisely adjust the horizontal saddle position and thus ensure optimal comfort and efficiency when driving. Here I will show you how to use this method step by step. Instructions for the pendulum method 1. Sit up and put crank horizontal: sit on your bike and position the crank in such a way that it is horizontal and the crank arm is pointing forward. The crank as a whole should be in a horizontal line. the method through the clicked condition. With normal pedals, the middle of the pedal axis places on your ball of the foot. 2. Use pendulum: Hold a pendulum (e.g. a laces with a small weight) on the shin head, thought that the pendulum thread goes through the middle of the pedal axis. Adjust the saddle position: If the pendulum is too far ahead, the saddle has to be moved backwards. If the pendulum is located behind the pedal axis, the saddle has to go forward. Put the position of the saddle in small steps and check the pendulum position again. 👍🏻 My personal tip If the scope is not sufficient for adapting the saddle forward or back, a straight or cranked seat post can remedy the situation. These seat posts offer additional adjustment options and can help to achieve the perfect seating position. Make sure you always attach the saddle clamp well in order to avoid unwanted movements of the saddle while driving. Discover the Hilo Sport Pumps Summary My 7 Tips Tip 1: Set the saddle height correctly to avoid knee and back pain and increase driving comfort. Use either the calculation method or the heel method. Tip 2: The calculation method: Miss your stride length in centimeters and multiply it by 0.885 to determine the optimal saddle height. Tip 3: The heel method: sit on the bike and place your heels on the Pedals. Your leg should be almost stretched in the lowest pedal position. Tip 4: The saddle tendency: Use a water scale to set the saddle horizontally. Optionally, you can tilt the saddle tip slightly down to relieve the dam area. Tip 5: The horizontal saddle position: With the pendulum method you will find the optimal position by holding a pendulum on the shin head and adapting the position of the saddle until the pendulum is The pedal axis goes. Tip 6: Ideally, you use a roller coach to fix the bike and precisely carry out the settings. But of course it works without! If you use a roller trainer, make sure to align the bike in parallel to the floor. Tip 7: Wear the clothing you use when cycling to make the settings under realistic conditions and achieve an optimal sitting position. Set bicycle saddle - Conclusion you see, the topic of "adjusting bike saddle correctly" is very important to me. Because an optimally set saddle is particularly important for your driving comfort and especially for your health. A false saddle position can lead to knee and back pain in the long term and other health complaints. It is therefore important to precisely adjust the saddle height and tendency. Take the time for these adjustments and wear your normal cycling clothing to work under realistic conditions. In the future, you can enjoy any bike ride in pain -free and to the fullest. 👉🏻 By the way, if you want to have even more concentrated bicycle knowledge, come here my further reading recommendations: patching bicycle hose: Simply pump up instructions with video, bike - that's how it goes and change bike tires. To the next blog article! Your Sebastian from Hilo Sports. We love cycling! Hello, we are Rebekka and Sebastian. The passion for cycling has already been put into our cradle. Regardless of whether relaxed tours with the e-bike or adventurous excursions on the mountain bike-we try to spend every free moment on the bike saddle. We also love to test technology and functions and develop new products. With our online shop Hilo Sports bicycle accessories we have turned our hobby into a profession. Do you want more bike knowledge from passionate experts? Then have a look in our blog! Bicycle pumps Guide you want to learn everything about bicycle pumps, then you are exactly right here! To the contribution of the Danube Cycle Path, discover the most beautiful bicycle route in Europe! Overview of the entire route. On the post tire pressure bike in a clear table you will find the right tire pressure for your bike. To post in our online shop you will also find the right bicycle pump for you! To the bicycle pumps
In this comprehensive how-to-guide, I will show you step by step how to set your bike saddle correctly. With video instructions and pictures to illustrate! How do I set my bike saddle correctly? I am always asked that from our customers at Hilo Sports bicycle accessories - and also in the Freundeskreis. A very justified question in cycling! Because on the streets and even with professional cyclists I notice that most cyclists have the wrong seat height and/or false seating position. Not only does an incorrectly set saddle reduce driving fun, but it can also cause serious health problems in the long run- for example, knee and back pain. But that's the end! As an enthusiastic cyclist, I have gained a lot of experience over the years and learned numerous tips and tricks for optimal saddle positioning. I would like to share these experiences with you to help you get the best out of your seating position on the bike. 👉🏻 Take a look at our video, in which Sebastian explains to you step by step how you optimally set your bicycle saddle step-by-step instructions in this blog article will show you in detail how to calculate your optimal saddle height (with a bicycle saddle formula), illustrate the heel method and give you practical tips for adapting the correct saddle tendency. Finally, you will find my summary 7 tips.✅ It is best to carry out the individual steps on your own bike so that you have set your perfect saddle height and tendency at the end of your reading -and can immediately cycle off Author, Sebastian from Hilo Sports, I already recognized my passion for cycling as a teenager -back then -back then especially for mountain biking. With the founding of Hilo Sports, I turned my hobby into a profession. What do I love most? Testing the technology and functions of products in action and developing new bicycle accessories. Table of contents ▶ ️ Why it is so important to set the bike saddle correctly ▶ ️ Set bicycle saddle. Setting the tool and additional aids ▶ ️ Step-by-step instructions: Set the saddle height ▶ ️ Step-by-step instructions: Settle tendency ▶ ️ Summary of my 7 tips why it is so important, Adjusting the bicycle saddle correctly before I start with the detailed step-by-step instructions, I would like to emphasize why it is so important to optimally set the bicycle saddle. As I have already explained at the beginning, I very often notice that most cyclists have incorrectly set their saddle. Especially in people who travel a lot by bike, an incorrect saddle setting breaks the body in the long term. Imagine a marathon runner in dance shoes in front of me, let me illustrate it using an example. You can compare it to a marathon runner that runs into dance shoes throughout the entire route of 42.195 kilometers. Doesn't sound healthy, right? Exactly the same happens when cycling if your saddle height and/or saddle tendency are/is wrong. This wrong position on the bicycle saddle is extremely damaging to your joints, your back in the long term - and in addition, your muscles are not properly stressed when cycling, which can lead to further health complaints. 👉🏻 Incidentally, also make sure that you take an ergonomically good bicycle backpack on your tours. For this I can recommend our bestseller bicycle rolltop backpack waterproof.❗️ therefore my appeal to all hobby and professional cyclists: Please take the time for the individual steps to optimally adjust your bike saddle to your needs! Incidentally, the sufficient fluid intake is at least as important. Here you will find my detailed comparison bike drinking bottle. ℹ️ Info The adjustment of your bicycle saddle is one of the most basic and most important adjustments that you can make on your bike. Regardless of whether you are a passionate racing cyclist or a hobby cyclist, the right saddle height and tendency are crucial for your comfort. In principle, you always set the bicycle saddle at the racing bike, mountain bike, trekking bike and the ergometer. Because what happens to the legs is always the same. The seating position, on the other hand, can vary a little depending on the driving style. You can find more detailed information below. Our high -quality drinking bottles of bicycle saddle set tools and additional aids to correctly adjust your saddle height and saddle tendency, you usually need the following tool: Interior switch wrench (Allen key): You need this for most modern bicycles. The size varies depending on the model and screw type. Cocker key or Torx key: depending on the screw type on your saddle frame or the saddle support clamp. For information: If there is a quick tensioner on the seat post clamp on your bike, you do not need any additional tool to set your saddle. This significantly simplifies the adjustment. Additional aids In addition to the basic tools, a few other aids are practical to ensure a precise setting: water scale: to align the saddle tendency exactly. the calculation of the optimal saddle height. Role trainer for setting If you have a roller coach at home, this makes it considerably easier to set the saddle. But of course it can also be done without! You can fix the bike with a roller trainer - without you having to lean on somewhere. This facilitates precise measurement and adaptation of your saddle height and saddle tendency. 👍🏻 My personal tips: 1. If you use a roller trainer, put a little underneath your bicycle tire to align the bike parallel to the floor. A small board is enough to compensate for the height differences between the front and rear wheel. 2. The best thing to do is to put on the clothes and shoes that you also wear while cycling. So you can make your saddle setting under realistic conditions and adjust it more precisely. Discover our Hilo Sports bicycle backpacks step-by-step instructions: Set the saddle height The correct saddle height is crucial for an ergonomic seating position and an efficient step. There are two tried and tested options for how you can set the height of your bicycle saddle. You can calculate the appropriate height of the saddle with a formula or apply the heel method. If you want to do the saddle setting correctly, I recommend the calculation with the formula. This is a little more time -consuming compared to the heel method, but more precisely. However, my experiences show that in practice both methods work well to set the saddle height. Set bicycle saddle formula for calculating there is a practical formula for adjusting the saddle. This is: distance center bottom bracket to the top edge saddle = step length x 0.885im following I show you step by step how you can use the formula to set the bike saddle in a practical way. I recommend a slightly wide -legged standing position. Your legs should be approx. 20 centimeters apart. With the book (see picture) you then go up to your crotch until it is due. Miss the length from the floor to the highest point of the book. This value value in centimeter Multiply with the value 0.885. The result is your optimal saddle height - i.e. from the middle of the bottom bracket to the top edge of the saddle. 👍🏻 My personal tip To adjust your saddle to your correct height, you first resolve the seat post clamp, measure your value and set your saddle to this height. Finally, you tighten the seat support clamp tightly. Set bicycle saddle - the heel method The heel method is a simple and practical way to set the saddle height of your bike. It is particularly suitable if you don't feel like complex calculations - and want to quickly find a pleasant seating position. In the following I show you step by step how to use this method. Instructions for the heel method 1. Sitting and positioning: sit on your bike and place your heels on the middle of the pedal. With the optimal saddle height, your leg should be pleasantly stretched - when the seat tube is extended - 2. Check pedal position: Turn the pedals so that a pedal is in the lowest position. Your leg should be almost completely stretched in this position. Attention: It is important that your leg is pleasantly stretched, but not completely stretched out or stretched out. Your hip should stay stable and horizontal on the saddle without moving. 3. Adjust the saddle height: If your leg is stretched too much, the saddle is too high. In this case, lower the saddle a little. On the other hand, if your leg is still very angled, you have to put the saddle a little higher. Adjust the height in small steps until you have found the optimal position. 4. Make a test drive: After adapting the saddle height, you should take a short test drive. Pay attention to how your leg feels when kicking. With the right setting, you will notice that you feel comfortable when kicking and have no unnecessary tensions in the muscles. Step-by-step instructions: Setting saddling tendency The correct saddle tendency is crucial to avoid pressure points and deaf feelings in the dam area and at the same time ensure an ergonomic seating position. An optimally set saddle tendency ensures more comfort and efficiency when driving by distributing the load evenly. For the correct setting of the saddle tendency, you carry out the following steps: solve the saddle clamp on the seat post until the saddle tendency can be adjusted. the saddle. Modify the angle of the saddle until it is completely horizontal, i.e. in the water, is again firmly on the saddle clamp. 👍🏻 My personal tip take your time to find and set your right saddle position. For orientation: If the saddle is more forward, it is optimal for upright positions. You drive further behind. You can find out how the saddle position is optimal for you with the pendulum method. Set saddle tendency - the pendulum method The pendulum method is a proven technology to precisely adjust the horizontal saddle position and thus ensure optimal comfort and efficiency when driving. Here I will show you how to use this method step by step. Instructions for the pendulum method 1. Sit up and put crank horizontal: sit on your bike and position the crank in such a way that it is horizontal and the crank arm is pointing forward. The crank as a whole should be in a horizontal line. the method through the clicked condition. With normal pedals, the middle of the pedal axis places on your ball of the foot. 2. Use pendulum: Hold a pendulum (e.g. a laces with a small weight) on the shin head, thought that the pendulum thread goes through the middle of the pedal axis. Adjust the saddle position: If the pendulum is too far ahead, the saddle has to be moved backwards. If the pendulum is located behind the pedal axis, the saddle has to go forward. Put the position of the saddle in small steps and check the pendulum position again. 👍🏻 My personal tip If the scope is not sufficient for adapting the saddle forward or back, a straight or cranked seat post can remedy the situation. These seat posts offer additional adjustment options and can help to achieve the perfect seating position. Make sure you always attach the saddle clamp well in order to avoid unwanted movements of the saddle while driving. Discover the Hilo Sport Pumps Summary My 7 Tips Tip 1: Set the saddle height correctly to avoid knee and back pain and increase driving comfort. Use either the calculation method or the heel method. Tip 2: The calculation method: Miss your stride length in centimeters and multiply it by 0.885 to determine the optimal saddle height. Tip 3: The heel method: sit on the bike and place your heels on the Pedals. Your leg should be almost stretched in the lowest pedal position. Tip 4: The saddle tendency: Use a water scale to set the saddle horizontally. Optionally, you can tilt the saddle tip slightly down to relieve the dam area. Tip 5: The horizontal saddle position: With the pendulum method you will find the optimal position by holding a pendulum on the shin head and adapting the position of the saddle until the pendulum is The pedal axis goes. Tip 6: Ideally, you use a roller coach to fix the bike and precisely carry out the settings. But of course it works without! If you use a roller trainer, make sure to align the bike in parallel to the floor. Tip 7: Wear the clothing you use when cycling to make the settings under realistic conditions and achieve an optimal sitting position. Set bicycle saddle - Conclusion you see, the topic of "adjusting bike saddle correctly" is very important to me. Because an optimally set saddle is particularly important for your driving comfort and especially for your health. A false saddle position can lead to knee and back pain in the long term and other health complaints. It is therefore important to precisely adjust the saddle height and tendency. Take the time for these adjustments and wear your normal cycling clothing to work under realistic conditions. In the future, you can enjoy any bike ride in pain -free and to the fullest. 👉🏻 By the way, if you want to have even more concentrated bicycle knowledge, come here my further reading recommendations: patching bicycle hose: Simply pump up instructions with video, bike - that's how it goes and change bike tires. To the next blog article! Your Sebastian from Hilo Sports. We love cycling! Hello, we are Rebekka and Sebastian. The passion for cycling has already been put into our cradle. Regardless of whether relaxed tours with the e-bike or adventurous excursions on the mountain bike-we try to spend every free moment on the bike saddle. We also love to test technology and functions and develop new products. With our online shop Hilo Sports bicycle accessories we have turned our hobby into a profession. Do you want more bike knowledge from passionate experts? Then have a look in our blog! Bicycle pumps Guide you want to learn everything about bicycle pumps, then you are exactly right here! To the contribution of the Danube Cycle Path, discover the most beautiful bicycle route in Europe! Overview of the entire route. On the post tire pressure bike in a clear table you will find the right tire pressure for your bike. To post in our online shop you will also find the right bicycle pump for you! To the bicycle pumps