Table of contents
Advantages of losing weight by cycling
Remove the joints gentle by cycling
The most important thing when losing weight by cycling
Muscle stress when losing weight by cycling
Losing weight with the right training
Advantages of losing weight by cycling
The sport of cycling has numerous advantages. Riding the bike is not only a lot of fun, you also move in the great outdoors. It is one of the few endurance sports that have so many advantages at once. If something is fun, it also likes to do it regularly. Above all, you should focus on the two words. Namely fun and like to do something.
Because only if you like to do something can you integrate it into your everyday life for a long time. It is not the focus should not be to lose weight by cycling, but the fun of movement. This is the only way you can lose kilos in the long term and regularly. Now the most important advantages that cycling brings you.
Remove the joints gentle by cycling
When cycling, between 60-70% of the body weight is worn by the saddle. This protects your joints, especially the knees. The circular movements are also very good for the joints. This means that cycling is also ideally suited for stronger people and unsportsmanlike. Regardless of whether you are a beginner or already progressed, cycling is something for everyone.
Build muscles
Cycling is an endurance sport. You have the double effect when losing weight by cycling. On the one hand, you burn calories and take it off. On the other side you increase muscle mass.
Muscles also burn grease handle. At the beginning, progress on the scales is not always visible because the weight of the muscles is added. However, muscle mass is much healthier than fat. And helps you burn even more fat.
For a bad mood
Since you drive in the wild, happiness hormones are already formed by the body. In addition, after about half an hour of endurance training, the body sets hormone production up again. The body's own happiness hormones have a very effective effect on the psyche and the mood.
Studies show that they even have a higher effect than synthetic substances, such as drugs. That alone is reason enough to use the wheel to fight against bad moods. So you have a double positive effect when losing weight with cycling.
Losing weight by cycling is extremely inexpensive. You only need a bike and basic equipment. In addition to the bike, you should buy a helmet and a padded wheel pants.
So that your butt does not hurt you and you don't lose the joy of cycling right away. In addition, you do not need separate equipment to start cycling. So it is one of the cheapest variants.
Acts against diseases
Regular cycling has a heart disease. This means that the risk of brain and the risk of heart attack.
It even lowers the risk of falling ill. Studies in Germany and the United States have proven this with a number of parts.
It also builds up the lungs and thus breathing better. So you no longer get out of breath so quickly in private and working life.
The most important thing when losing weight by cycling
The Internet is full of nonsense ideas and diets that are not feasible for most people in everyday life. What may sound good in theory, as a text, is often only implemented for a short time. What is missing from most diets, is not addressed at all or is implemented incorrectly by the user, is continuous.
Routines are very clear here that the be -all and end -all. Most probably know the problem with the long -term. This is like with the New Year's resolutions, but unfortunately they do not lead to anything.
To really be able to lose weight by cycling, you need exactly 2 things: you have to enjoy it and you have to be able to integrate bicycle as a routine into your everyday life. This is the only way you can lose weight in a targeted manner by cycling.
Unfortunately, there is no magic formula. But you will see if you create the two things to implement, then the kilos do not immediately tumble but continuously. With a little fun cycling, it will be incredibly easy for you to pull it through and thus lose weight. Please do not concentrate on losing weight. This should only be the effect that occurs anyway by cycling.
Put the cycling and the fun of it. This will be the greater motivation for you to lose weight. We can already trick our psyche that easy. And with this strategy alone you will have more success and lose more kilos than with compulsive sport.
Muscle stress when losing weight by cycling
Above all, the problem areas of many women are optimally used when cycling. Due to the endurance effect, cycling is a holistic training. The muscles of belly, legs and buttocks are trained the most. Because more muscle forms, more calories are automatically burned from the body.
Muscle mass is a lot healthier than fat mass. Muscles burn significantly more calories. Conversely, this means that you take off during the training breaks and not necessarily during training. This effect is clearly noticeable in all sports.
That means you shouldn't overdo it with the training. Endurance training should be carried out in the long term in units of 30-40 minutes. So you get the best training effect when losing weight by cycling.
What results you can expect
As already mentioned, you should never expect miracle results when you lose weight by cycling. It is a steady, but effective process by cycling. How fast it works depends on various factors.
It depends on how quickly the body builds muscles and how many calories are burned. It can be said that between 200-800 calories are trained per hour. This depends on factors such as speed, body weight and age. You see, a lot of calories can tumble when cycling.
Let's start gently and drive 3 times a week for half an hour each. You can already train up to 1200 calories a week. You have a great training effect and also build healthy muscle mass.
Research has proven that regular cycling brings a weight loss of 2.5 kilograms a month. These are really great news for everyone who is still hesitation and consider whether they want to test the weight loss by cycling.
Losing weight with the right training
You shouldn't take over when you start the training. If you are not sure how much and how long you should train, take a pulse clock with you. Only with the right heart rate does the body break down really fat mass.
You can calculate the right heart rate during training. Lt. The ADFC is 60-70% of the maximum heart rate. You can calculate your optimal pulse with the following formula: 208 - (0.93 x age).
Pay attention to losing weight by cycling that you train roughly with this pulse frequency. Far over the frequency is unhealthy and you strain over. Unfortunately, far below it will not bring you much of the effect for losing weight.
The perfect duration for your extends have already been addressed. In the beginning you should train about 30-40 minutes at a time 3-4 times a week. If you are more advanced, you can of course increase it.
Set bike correctly
In order to stay healthy when losing weight by cycling and not get any pain, you should make sure that your bike is set correctly for your size. If you drive longer with false posture, you get pain and an unhealthy posture.
It is important that the saddle height and saddle tendency are correctly set. You can easily set this yourself with little craftsmanship and an Allen key. A detailed article on how you Settle perfectly adjust to your needs, we also wrote for you.
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How can I lose weight by cycling?
Losing weight by cycling is a great way to lose weight in a healthy way. Endurance sports are very suitable to lose weight in the long term and to get your feel -good weight. You are still in nature and can enjoy the time.
How long do I have to lose a bike ride to lose weight?
Unfortunately, it is not a miracle formula and that's why it doesn't work from one day. But if you are willing to do your best, train regularly and really want to. Then you will definitely have great success in losing weight by cycling.
What does cycle ride do when losing weight?
Cycling trains your muscles and converts fat into muscle mass. Endurance training helps you to lose kilos. In addition, your built muscles burn more calories again. So you have a great double effect when cycling.